A Feast of Zomes
3-D Geometry with Zometool
Zometools are collections of precisely made plastic struts and balls. The struts come in several colors and lengths that make the construction of planar and solid designs possible. The balls each have 62 holes which enable many different angles between any two struts. Zomes have been found to have applications in art, architecture, the sciences, and in Uncle Bob’s first love, mathematics.
Click on the photo below to view a gallery of 15 images.
A closer look at the models

... and the Zomiac Himself

Click here to see the Archimedean solid 5, 6, 6 in motion.
Play with Zomes!
Click on the photo below to see samples.
For the full story, visit About the Zometool.
For an excellent guide, educational and project resource, I highly recommend
Zome Geometry: Hands-on Learning with Zome Models.
George W. Hart and Henri Picciotto, Key Curriculum Press, 2001