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Where in the World ...

Hello, Solvers ~

We have two items you might take special note of this month. First, where in the world did Uncle Bob come up with it? Answer: exactly. We have challenges from the field of Geography to expand your horizons somewhat. You’ll be crossing the globe both latitudinally and longit…, eh, you get it. It’ll be a lovely way to globe trot with your feet up and an atlas in your lap.

Second, we continue our Math Journey investigating the Pronic Numbers and their connections. Pronics are simply the products of two consecutive whole numbers like 12 and 30. In this third leg, we flip them at first and take the measure of the their reciprocals, employing a trick called “telescoping.” Next, we investigate pronics which are the doubles of pronics and make a surprising connection with the familiar Pythagorean Theorem.

We have fresh offerings from the Department of Words, including the familiar forms Five and Ten, Crisscross Crunch, Nothing in Common, Word Golf, and the Midicryptic Crossword. Enjoy.

Happy Reading & Solving, UB & AC

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