Dear Solvers,
In 1993 Uncle Bob was teaching math at high school, reading college-level math on his own, and solving those mathy brain teasers we all love. I decided I needed a new hobby. I started reading in astronomy and researching telescopes. By the end of May that year I had my own scope.

Since then I’ve written many articles on my hobby and various ways to approach and appreciate astronomy. This month I begin a new series: UB’s Top Ten Thrills in Astronomy. It will be a personal look back at some experiences in this hobby that have lighted my fire. We’ll count down and include numbers 10, 9, and 8 in this issue. I hope you enjoy sharing them. Look for it under Writings/Astronomy. [Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Harvard-Smithsonian CfA]
Attention wordsmiths! Have you noticed that UB has featured some original puzzles in recent months? Look for L-P Words and States Meant in Word Puzzles, and Keyboard Geometry in Math/Logic Puzzles.
Please enjoy a new set of my familiar Word Puzzles too – Nothing in Common, Five and Ten, Fit for Four, Crisscross Crunch, and the Minicryptic are waiting for you.
Happy Solving,