Astronomy buffs who follow Uncle Bob might be interested in an event predicted to take place around 10 pm the evening of Thursday, August 24. In the southwestern sky, the first quarter moon’s dark side will eclipse the bright red star Antares in constellation Scorpius. At this time, the weather forecast looks favorable for observers.
Suggestions: The main problem to solve will be the moon’s brightness. We get a slight break because it’ll be the dark edge that will contact and obliterate the star. A binocular or telescopic view might make use of filters or just be aimed away from the bright half of the moon. Sunglasses may even help.
Pick a location that has a good unobstructed view southwest down to the horizon because this event in the eastern U.S. happens near moonset. Midwestern and western sites will see it higher up. It might be a good idea to locate Antares in the next few nights to aid you in picking a good site.
Finding Antares:
Cheers, UB